Main purpose of Songoroo app is to help its users to transform from a passive listener to an active contributor to the music atmosphere at places where Songoroo system is installed. The term “active contributor” means, that by installing and running Songoroo app, you will be able to “contribute” with your preferred music to the mix of songs queued in the playlist of a Songoroo location.
In addition to that, besides influencing playlist through your music profile, the app provides a variety of options enhancing your chance to boost your favourite artists or particular song in the playlist to the top positions.
Install the app, visit a place where Songoroo is running and enjoy the music!
Let us know what kind of music you like by rating songs, artists or genres in your music profile.
Browse through Songoroo´s music database for artists and songs which might interest you.
Use various app features to move your preferred songs up in the playlist.
Use the app to dedicate your favourite songs to people around you accompanied with a personalised message.
Add songs you like manually from our database and let others rate it.
Send your feedback to business owners or Songoroo developers.
Complete your personal profile and let others know who you are and what kind of music you love.
Search for places around you with Songoroo Smart Music installed and running.
No matter how sophisticated our algorithm is, if it cannot “see” you at a Songoroo location it´s unable to adjust the playlist and take your favourite music into consideration. So please turn on your Bluetooth, enable the location services and allow us to play your favourite music whenever you enter a Songoroo enabled location.